
Wherever you come from, welcome! Welcome to this small place on the Internet where I write about everything and anything.

Just to be clear before we start, let me say a few things. I am not a native english speaker, I am actually a Spaniard, but I have been living in a french speaking country since 2005. This means that while spanish is my mother tongue, for the last years I have been speaking, writing, listening to and even thinking in french. Why write a blog in english, then? Well, because I wanted to practice. I have oportunities to read and listen to english, and I try to speak in english whenever I have an opportunity. But I don't get to write in english anymore, and last time I wrote an application letter in english I realised I needed to get some more practice. So here I am. Practicing.

This means that –if you are a native englis speaker– you might find errors. You are welcome to point them out, but please, do it politely. I want to learn from my mistakes, not be ashamed because of them. And I am grateful to learn new things and impove myself.

Speaking of myself… I have studied History and Archaeology, but I don't want my diplomas to define me. I am curious and pasionate about plenty of different things. I started being called a geek and I fully embraced my geekiness. I've trained as a classical dancer for years, but I also love football (soccer) and recently fell in love with tae-bo. I spent my time looking for new stories, daydreaming and trying to find a job. I love good books, new friends, strawberries and postal cards. I believe in God, the goodness of people and that cats are conspiring to take over the world. Do you want to know more about myself? Read the blog and don't be afraid to get in touch.

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Being polite and nice with others costs you nothing and it's worth a lot. Same goes for spelling and grammar rules.
If you want to troll, you are in the wrong den, my friend.