1 Jan 2015

New Year's Dragons

 Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten. G.K. Chersterton

We have all dragons to beat, slay or tame. They are usually inside us, and we have spent yesterday thinking about them. They are all those "New Year's resolutions", those things we want to improve or achieve in the next 365 days. Learn a new language, start going to the gym, quit smoking, read more books, learn how to cook, go to church, watch less TV… say "I love you", "I'm sorry", "I forgive you", "can you help me?", "please", "thank you", "you're welcome"… smile, cry, hug, buy flowers, take care of your loved ones, try to see the glass half-full, keep a journal, write a book, start a blog…

I wish you all happiness, joy and wisdom, peaceful and beautiful days four all your loved ones. Love, and be loved. Beat and tame some dragons, and don't forget to live.

1 comment:

  1. The picture reminds me of Farmer Giles of Ham. Fantabulous!


Being polite and nice with others costs you nothing and it's worth a lot. Same goes for spelling and grammar rules.
If you want to troll, you are in the wrong den, my friend.